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Is massage a part of physiotherapy?
Yes. Physiotherapists use their hands to mobilise, manipulate, and massage the body tissues to relieve pain and stiffness, improve blood circulation, promote relaxation, etc. This technique is known as manual therapy.
Where can I get physiotherapy done?
Physiotherapy is usually delivered in health centres, nursing homes, private hospitals and clinics, day centres, and sports club and gyms. Some physiotherapists even provide treatment in their own homes.
Do I need to go for physiotherapy after my knee surgery?
Yes, physiotherapy is needed after surgery to help the healing process as well as regain function. Your physiotherapist will use exercises, manual therapy, posture training, etc. to achieve this. If you do not go for physiotherapy, your recovery process may be hindered. This may lead to the weakening of muscles, reduced blood flow to the operated site, and stress on the knees.
Are physiotherapists doctors?
Physiotherapists are not medical doctors since they did not go to medical school. Physiotherapists are allied health professionals with expertise in managing acute and chronic conditions, preventing disability and injury, improving physical performance, etc.