Contact Us for Enquiries / Grievances

Apollo Healthco Limited
#19, Bishop Gardens,
Raja Annamalaipuram,
Chennai,Tamil Nadu- 600028 Tamil Nadu - 055628

Level 1 - Customer Support

You may click the link for any queries or assistance related to your orders:

For Corporate Inquiries:

Mail us at:

Level 2 - Customer Support

You can contact our customer support team by emailing your concern to us at The team will revert to your concern/query within 8 hours from receipt of your query/concern.

Level 3 - Customer Support

If your query remains unresolved by the preceding levels, you may contact the relevant grievance officers as given below with the details of your interactions with our customer support team through Level 1 & 2.


Grievance Officer

E-mail ID

Contact No.

Online Medicines Orders

Karan Sharma


Online Diagnostic Bookings

Allwin Richard


Doctor Consultation Bookings

Sonali Dhakre


Once a customer files a complaint via email or telephonic communication on the channels specified above, the Consumer will receive an acknowledgment of the grievance from the Grievance Officer, within 24 hours.

The contact numbers displayed above are operational every day of the week from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm only.