
Complete Blood Count

Also Known as Complete Blood Picture, Complete Blood Profile, CBP, CBC, Blood-Test, complete blood count, cbc, Full body count, Full blood examination, Full blood cell count, FBC, FBE

80% of reports were generated within 24 hrs

395(₹ 527)25% off
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296(₹ 395)(₹ 527)44% off

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 General Physician/Internal Medicine

Test(s) Included (29)

  • expandBlood Studies (Anemia) (29)


*Optional Tests: Testing of these is conditional depending on results of other tests


blood sample





Above 10 years

Complete Blood Count Test - Price, Purpose, Range & Reports

Test Overview

Sample TypeBlood
Reports DeliveryReports available within 10 hours
Number of Tests Included  29

What is a Complete Blood Count Test?

A Complete Blood Count test is an extensive blood examination that focuses on quantifying and assessing various elements in your blood. These include red blood cells, which are paramount for oxygen transportation; white blood cells, the guardians of your immune system; and platelets, essential for clotting.

Moreover, the Complete Blood Count test quantifies haemoglobin, a protein present in red blood cells and central to oxygen transportation. Furthermore, it determines haematocrit or the proportion of your total blood volume that's made up of red blood cells. Lastly, it measures mean corpuscular volume (MCV), which provides information about the size of your red blood cells.

The Complete Blood Count test helps in diagnosing and tracking numerous health conditions. It can assist doctors in detecting infections, anaemia, immune system disorders and even blood cancers.

What is the Complete Blood Count Test Price?

Complete Blood Count Test Price in Different Cities

CityComplete Blood Count Test Price

A Complete Blood Count blood test price can vary depending on several factors. Here are key factors to consider when examining a Complete Blood Count test:

  • Geographical Location: Complete Blood Count test costs can differ from city to city. For instance, the price may be higher in cosmopolitan cities compared to rural areas.
  • Laboratory Quality: High-end laboratories with state-of-the-art facilities might charge more compared to smaller establishments.
  • Comprehensive Inclusions: Some packages may include other tests along with the Complete Blood Count test, affecting the overall cost.
  • Test Demand: Depending on its demand in certain areas, the Complete Blood Count test price can fluctuate.
  • Discounts and Promotions: Many laboratories offer discounts or promotional prices during particular periods or for specific groups like senior citizens.

Apollo 24|7 maintains a competitive Complete Blood Count test cost while delivering exceptional service quality. Before proceeding with a Complete Blood Count test, you should check the Complete Blood Count test price across cities.

What is the Purpose of a Complete Blood Count Test?

A Complete Blood Count test helps doctors assess an individual's health status. It gives a detailed picture of one's well-being by evaluating the different types of cells in their blood, including red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets.

The primary purposes of a Complete Blood Count test are:

  • Diagnosis: Complete Blood Count tests aid doctors in identifying the root cause of various symptoms including fever, fatigue or breathing issues.
  • Monitoring: Individuals battling chronic ailments like cancer, diabetes or AIDS can use Complete Blood Count tests to gauge their health condition.
  • Screening: Doctors often include Complete Blood Count tests in routine health check-ups to spot potential health anomalies before they manifest as symptoms.

Who Should Get a Complete Blood Count Test Done?

Typically, if there is a history of blood disorders in your family or you have exhibited symptoms such as fever, fatigue or shortness of breath, your doctor might advise you to undergo a Complete Blood Count test. It is also highly recommended for those dealing with:

  • Bleeding disorders
  • Persistent infections
  • Anaemia
  • Blood cancers like leukaemia

Moreover, individuals with chronic medical complications like diabetes or AIDS regularly need Complete Blood Count tests to monitor their health status. If you're on medication that could potentially alter your blood cell counts or have had bleeding issues in the past, regular Complete Blood Count testing might become part of your healthcare routine.

Components of a Complete Blood Count Test

Understanding the components of a Complete Blood Count test is integral to comprehending your overall health status. A Complete Blood Count test, which is commonly available at a range of prices depending on the lab and location, examines various aspects of your blood. Let's delve into each component to better understand what they measure and why they are significant:

  • Haemoglobin (Hb): This component measures the amount of oxygen-carrying haemoglobin in your blood. 
  • Packed Cell Volume (PCV): This calculates the percentage of red blood cells in your bloodstream.
  • Red Blood Cell Count (RBC Count): As the name suggests, this counts the number of red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout your body.
  • Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV): This gives insight into the average size of your red blood cells.
  • Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH): MCH quantifies the average amount of haemoglobin present in your red blood cells.
  • Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC): MCHC calculates the average concentration of haemoglobin within your red blood cells.
  • Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW): This component measures the variance in size among your red blood cells.
  • Total Leucocyte Count (TLC): TLC provides a count of all white blood cells in your bloodstream that help fight diseases.
  • Differential Leucocytic Count (DLC): DLC counts different types of white blood cells, each with unique functions ranging from fighting infections to triggering allergic reactions.
  • Neutrophils: These are soldiers in your body's army against infections. They form the first line of defence whenever harmful bacteria or viruses enter your system.
  • Lymphocytes: Another critical member of this defensive force, lymphocytes not only combat infections but also play a primary role in your immune response.
  • Eosinophils: Eosinophils specialise in tackling parasitic invasions. Their presence generally increases when you have allergies or a parasitic infection.
  • Monocytes: These cells are like the chameleons of your immune system. They mature into macrophages and help clear up infections by getting rid of foreign substances and dead cells in the body.
  • Basophils: Largely involved in allergic reactions, basophils release chemicals that help control the body's response to allergens.
  • Blasts: Think of these as baby white blood cells. Blasts show up when your body is busy producing new white blood cells to fight an infection or disease.
  • Pro-myelocytes, Myelocytes, Meta-myelocyte, and Bands: These are all stages in the life cycle of certain types of white blood cells. An increase in their number could indicate your body is working overtime to fend off an infection or illness.
  • Prolymphocytes: These are immature versions of lymphocytes. Their presence in high numbers may suggest certain types of lymphatic system disorders.
  • Atypical Cells: The presence of these abnormal white blood cells can hint towards a potential blood disorder.
  • Nucleated Red Blood Cells (NRBCs) per 100 WBC: This measures the number of immature red blood cells in your bloodstream.
  • Corrected Total Leucocyte Count: This adjusts the total count of white blood cells for any abnormal or atypical cells present.
  • Absolute Leucocyte Count: This component gives a count for each type of white blood cell in your bloodstream.
  • Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR): The ratio of neutrophils to lymphocytes can indicate the presence of inflammation in your body.
  • Platelet Count: Platelets are crucial for clotting and healing wounds. This component provides a count of platelets in your bloodstream.

The Complete Blood Count test serves as a worthwhile investment into your well-being. Knowing all these components and their roles can help you better understand your Complete Blood Count blood test report, giving you more confidence about your health-related decisions.

Understanding the Complete Blood Count Test Report

Below are the desirable, borderline, and high ranges of the components measured by the Complete Blood Count test:

ComponentDesirable RangeBorderlineHigh
Haemoglobin (Hb)M: 13-17 g/dL
F: 12-15 g/dL
Slightly below/above normalM: > 17 g/dL
F: > 15 g/dL
Packed Cell Volume (PCV) (Haematocrit)M: 40-50.0%
F: 35-44%
Slightly below/above normalM: > 50.0%
F: > 44%
Red Blood Cell (RBC) CountM: 4.5-5.5 million/µL
F: 4.2-5.4 million/µL
Slightly below/above normalM: > 5.5 million/µL
F: > 5.4 million/µL
Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)83-101 fL
101-110 fL
> 110 fL
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH)27-32 pgSlightly below/above normal> 32 pg
Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)31.5-34.5 g/dLSlightly below/above normal> 34.5 g/dL
Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW)11.6-14%
> 15.5%
Total Leucocyte Count (TLC)
4,000-10,000 cells/µL
10,000-12,000 cells/µL
> 12,000 cells/µL
> 80%
> 50%
> 6%
> 10%
> 2%
> 0%
Significant presence
> 0%
Significant presence
> 0%

Significant presence
0%> 0%Significant presence
> 10%
> 0%
Significant presence
Atypical Cells
> 0%
Significant presence
Significant presence
> 1
Corrected TLC
Adjusted based on NRBC count  
Neutrophils (Abs)
2000-7,000 cells/µL
7,000-10,000 cells/µL
> 10,000 cells/µL
Lymphocytes (Abs)
1,000-3,000 cells/µL
3,000-6,000 cells/µL
> 6,000 cells/µL
Eosinophils (Abs)
20-400 cells/µL
400-500 cells/µL
> 500 cells/µL
Monocytes (Abs)
200-800 cells/µL
800-1,000 cells/µL
> 1,000 cells/µL
Basophils (Abs) (Optional)
20-100 cells/µL
100-150 cells/µL
> 150 cells/µL
Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR)
> 03
Platelet Count
150,000-410,000 cells/µL
410,000-450,000 cells/µL
> 450,000 cells/µL

Note: The values of the components can vary based on laboratory, age, sex and underlying conditions.

Haemoglobin (Hb)

High values may indicateLow values may indicate

High Haemoglobin levels can indicate excessive production of red blood cells

Chronic lung disease or living in high-altitude areas.

This can also be a sign of dehydration or certain blood disorders

Low levels usually indicate anaemia, which could be due to blood loss

Nutritional deficiency

Bone marrow problems

Chronic illnesses like kidney failure

Packed Cell Volume (PCV)

High values may indicate
Low values may indicate
A higher PCV suggests conditions like polycythaemia vera that lead to an excess production of red blood cells.Low PCV may signal anaemia or blood loss.

Red Blood Cell Count (RBC)

High values may indicateLow values may indicate
Elevated RBC counts can point towards polycythaemia vera or similar conditions causing excessive red blood cell production.Low RBC counts suggest anaemia or blood loss.

Mean Corpuscular Volume (MCV)

High values may indicate
Low values may indicate
High MCV values typically indicate macrocytic anaemia, often caused by vitamin B12 deficiency or folate deficiency.Low MCV values hint at microcytic anaemia, usually caused by iron deficiency anaemia.

Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin (MCH)

High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High MCH levels could suggest macrocytic anaemia.Low MCH values can indicate microcytic anaemia.

Mean Corpuscular Haemoglobin Concentration (MCHC)

High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High MCHC levels can indicate macrocytic anaemia.Low MCHC levels might be a sign of microcytic anaemia.

Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW)

High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High RDW can be a sign of anaemia, particularly iron deficiency anaemia, or other conditions causing variation in red blood cell size.Low RDW typically points out normal red blood cell size distribution.

Total Leucocyte Count (TLC)

High values may indicateLow values may indicate
A high TLC count could indicate infection, inflammation or certain blood disorders.Low TLC count also suggests similar issues.


High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High neutrophil counts could mean bacterial infections or inflammation.Low counts could hint at neutropenia caused by infections or certain medications.


High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High lymphocyte counts could indicate viral or chronic infectionsLow values may suggest lymphocytopenia.


High values may indicateLow values may indicate
An increased count of eosinophils can be a sign of allergies or parasitic infectionsLow values generally aren't significant but could be linked to conditions like autoimmune disorders.


High values may indicateLow values may indicate
Elevated basophil counts might indicate allergiesLow values are typically not significant.

Blasts, Pro-myelocytes, Myelocytes, Meta-myelocytes, Bands and Pro-lymphocytes

High values may indicate
Low values may indicate
High counts of these could point towards serious conditions like leukaemia.Lower-than-normal presence is usually not significant.

Atypical Cells

High values may indicateLow values may indicate
Elevated counts can indicate infections or inflammation.Low counts, however, are generally not significant.

Nucleated Red Blood Cells (NRBCs) per 100 WBC

High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High NRBC counts could signal anaemia or bone marrow disorders.Low counts are usually not significant.

Corrected Total Leucocyte Count (TLC)

High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High corrected TLC values can also indicate infections or inflammation.Low values could point towards the same conditions.


High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High values signify bacterial infections or inflammation.Low values can be due to infections or certain medications.


High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High lymphocyte values suggest viral or chronic infections.Low lymphocyte values can be caused by infections, bone marrow issues or certain medications.


High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High values may indicate allergies or parasites.Low values might not have any significant implications but can be observed in conditions like autoimmune disorders or particular infections.


High values may indicateLow values may indicate
Elevated counts suggest chronic infections or inflammation.Low counts might not have any significant implications but can be observed in conditions like autoimmune disorders or particular infections.


High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High counts indicate allergies or specific blood disorders.Low counts might not have any significant implications but can be observed in conditions like autoimmune disorders or particular infections.

Neutrophil Lymphocyte Ratio (NLR)

High values may indicateLow values may indicate

High NLR values suggest severe diseases or inflammatory disorders.

They can also point towards physiological stress or specific blood disorders.

Low NLR values usually indicate normal conditions

Platelet Count

High values may indicateLow values may indicate
High values can suggest platelet activation, inflammation or certain blood disorders.Low values can be due to thrombocytopenia, which can be caused by blood loss, bone marrow issues or specific drugs.

Preparation and Procedure for Complete Blood Count Test

There are several reasons why your doctor would recommend a Complete Blood Count test to you. So, if you have been advised by your doctor to take one, it's important to follow certain procedures to prepare for the test. Let's simplify this and understand how to prepare for this test and what the procedure involves.

How is a Complete Blood Count Test Conducted?

The Complete Blood Count test essentially analyses your blood. Here's how it is done:

  • Preparation: First off, the area from where the blood is to be drawn, typically on the inside of your elbow or back of your hand, is cleaned thoroughly with an alcohol swab or iodine solution. You would be asked to sit comfortably or lay down reclining for the procedure.
  • Blood Draw: A trained technician inserts a sterile needle into your vein and collects the blood sample in a vacuum-sealed test tube attached to the needle. It's a quick process and once sufficient blood has been collected, the needle is carefully withdrawn.
  • Post-Procedure: A small bandage is applied to the puncture site. Post-procedure, you might be asked to rest for some time to ensure you're feeling well before you leave.

Is Fasting Required for a Complete Blood Count Test?

Generally, no special preparation like fasting is needed unless specifically instructed by your doctor. This instruction may come if your blood sample will also be used for other tests that require fasting. If such is the case, you may need to abstain from eating or drinking anything except water for about 12 hours before the test.

When Should I Take a Complete Blood Count Test?

There's no hard and fast rule as to when during the day you should undergo a Complete Blood Count test. However, medical professionals generally advise taking it first thing in the morning when our blood cell count levels are at their most normal state.

How Often Should I Have a Complete Blood Count Test?

The frequency of undergoing a Complete Blood Count test largely depends on your health status and doctor's advice. It is usually part of routine health check-ups or ordered when you're experiencing symptoms suggestive of conditions that could affect your blood cells. Your family doctor would be in the best position to guide you about the frequency that suits your specific circumstances.

Booking a Complete Blood Count Test Online & Checking Reports

Booking a Complete Blood Count test online and accessing the results has been made easier than ever with Apollo 24|7. Here's a simple guide to help you through this process.

What are the Steps to Schedule a Complete Blood Count Test on Apollo 24|7

  • Begin by visiting the Apollo 24|7 website or smartphone app and selecting "Lab Tests" from the top menu.
  • Using the search bar, type in "Complete Blood Count." Alternatively, you can locate it via the listed categories.
  • After clicking on "Complete Blood Count", select "Book Now" and fill in your personal details.
  • Next, select your preferred location for sample collection, along with your convenient time slot.
  • Review your booking details and proceed to make the payment online. The Complete Blood Count test price is competitive, making it affordable for all.
  • Upon payment confirmation, you will receive an SMS detailing your appointment information.

How do I Access my Complete Blood Count Test Results Online on Apollo 24|7?

  • Once your blood sample has been examined, you will be notified via an SMS.
  • To access your report, log into your Apollo 24|7 account and head to the "Reports" section.
  • Find and click on "View Report" next to your Complete Blood Count test.
  • Your detailed Complete Blood Count test report will then be available for download in a PDF format.

Keep these key points in mind:

  • Apollo 24|7 provides Complete Blood Count tests at competitive prices with home sample collection facilities.
  • By booking slots for Complete Blood Count test online, you ensure minimal waiting time at the collection centre.
  • Apollo labs strictly abide by hygiene protocols and follow Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) guidelines for your safety.
  • In most cases, you can access your results online within 6 hours post sample collection.

So, if a Complete Blood Count test is what your family doctor has prescribed, conveniently book it on Apollo 24|7. Not only will you find a reasonable Complete Blood Count blood test price but also get the results swiftly without any fuss. Health care has never been quicker or more accessible.

faqFrequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is Complete Blood Count and its normal range?

Cbc stands for Complete Blood Count, a common blood test that measures different components of the blood including red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), and platelets. Normal ranges vary but generally include: RBC 4.5-5.5 million/µL for males and 4.2-5.4 million/µL for females, WBC 4,000-11,000 cells/mcL, and platelets 150,000-450,000 cells/mcL.

What lifestyle adjustments should I consider before undergoing a Complete Blood Count test to ensure the most accurate results?

For a Complete Blood Count test, there are usually no specific lifestyle changes required. However, you must inform your doctor about any medication or supplements you're currently taking because some medicines might influence your blood count. It's always recommended to stay hydrated, get enough rest and maintain a balanced diet.