General Health

Home Remedies To Cure Anal Fissures Permanently

3 min read

By Apollo 24|7, Published on - 22 August 2022, Updated on - 11 February 2023

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Anal fissures are a common problem that mostly occurs due to constipation and the passing of hard stools. However, there are a bunch of questions about the condition often asked by people; can anal fissures heal on their own? how long do the fissures take to heal? While these questions can be best answered by proctologists or anorectal doctors, here are some foods and remedies that may help minimise discomfort and speed up the healing process. 

7 Best Foods To Help Manage Anal Fissures At Home


Papaya contains an enzyme called papain that improves digestion, thereby providing relief to those suffering from constipation and anal fissures. Consuming papaya can help minimise discomfort and ensure smooth bowel movements. It can be taken as a mid-morning snack or salad.


High fibre bran cereal

Since constipation is the most common symptom of anal fissures, high-fibre foods should be added to the diet. Bran cereal is a good source of insoluble fibre, therefore, it is effective for constipation relief. It remains unchanged in the colon thereby allowing the stool to get heavier and softer. Hence, consuming it daily can provide significant relief from constipation and help in the healing of fissures at home. 



The dietary fibres in lentils remain undigested, making them easy to pass out from the rectum without causing much discomfort. Hence, it is highly recommended to have a variety of lentils for meals to help heal fissures. Make sure the lentils are not spicy or oily as they can irritate the fissures.  


Some people may benefit from consuming warm milk at night to stimulate their bowels. However, one must not consume too much milk and dairy products as it may also lead to bloating and mild constipation. Furthermore, you must avoid this remedy if you are lactose intolerant. 


Ghee can act as a laxative and aid in relieving severe constipation. The fatty acids present in ghee ease constipation by allowing better bowel movements. However, one must practice portion control as excess consumption of ghee can be harmful.


Yoghurt is an excellent probiotic. It contains good bacteria, like lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium, that help regulate digestion and relieve constipation. Regular consumption of yoghurt can help relieve dry stools and improve bowel movements. 


Raw turmeric

Curcumin, a yellow pigment found in turmeric, provides it with anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. One can add raw turmeric to their diet to relieve inflammation and infections associated with anal fissures. 

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Other helpful ways to treat fissures

Several other ways that can help lower the risk of fissures and also help to deal with existing fissures are:

Increase water intake

Since constipation is mostly attributed to dehydration in the colon, one must drink at least 8 glasses or 2 litres of water regularly. This will keep your stool soft and allow easy passage from the rectum.


Take sitz bath

A sitz bath means soaking in warm water. It works wonderfully for patients who have strong spasms in the anal sphincter muscles. Warm baths help those muscles relax and allow faster healing of the fissures.  

Use over-the-counter stool softeners

If the fissures have turned painful then it is very likely that food alone will not be able to reduce the anal pain experienced while passing stools. One can use over-the-counter stool softeners to prevent swelling and bleeding of fissures. 


Anal fissures can happen to anyone, irrespective of age and gender. One can follow the aforementioned ways to get some relief from the symptoms of anal fissures. However, those suffering from pain associated with haemorrhoids or fissures must consult a doctor for the best course of treatment.  

Consult the Best Anal Fissure Specialists

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