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Lungs (8)

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The human lungs are the most integral part of the respiratory system. The pair facilitates the smooth flow of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. People with weak lungs may suffer from a host of lung disorders ranging from common issues like asthma and lung infection to severe and rare problems like lung cancer and bronchitis.

In addition, the lungs are also susceptible to conditions like:

  • Pulmonary oedema - causes an abnormal level of fluid to accumulate in the lungs
  • Pneumothorax - causes partial or complete collapse of the lungs
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - blocks airflow and makes breathing difficult
  • Tuberculosis

Lung disorders may lead to respiratory failure without timely detection and correct treatment. Fortunately, Apollo 24|7 offers a wide range of lung function tests to assess the overall health of a patient's lungs. These tests are primarily used to detect the cause of problems affecting the lungs.

The Tests for Checking Lung Function

Lung function tests can characterise and quantify the severity of lung disorders, if any. These tests target various enzymes in the lungs to check for abnormal levels and offer a diagnosis. The tests are:

  • Lactate Dehydrogenase (LDH) Serum Test: LDH is an enzyme that is found in almost every cell of the human body. The LDH test is used to detect tissue damage and confirm the presence of lung damage. High levels of LDH indicate the leaking of the enzyme from the damaged tissue.
  • N-Terminal Pro Brain Natriuretic Peptide (NT-Pro BNP) Test: The test detects heart disease and can rule out lung disorders in a patient. 
  • Ceruloplasmin Serum Test: Ceruloplasmin is a protein made by the liver that helps carry copper throughout the body by binding itself to the element. Low ceruloplasmin levels in the body point to a copper deficiency, often synonymous with Wilson's disease. 
  • Anti Cardiolipin AB IgM Test: The test detects antibodies that mistakenly target cardiolipin, a phospholipid responsible for blood clotting. It is also used to check for autoimmune disorders like systemic lupus erythematosus.

Why is Lung Function Tests Important?

With lung function tests, it is easy to check the overall health of the lungs and ensure that they are good in condition. These tests are reliable markers to test for asymptomatic conditions and rapidly detect lung disorders like asthma and tuberculosis.

Some other advantages synonymous with these tests are:

  • Help detect and diagnose lung disorders early on
  • Quick test results to prevent the conditions from worsening
  • Non-invasive procedures that require no prior preparation

Most lung disorders are treatable, while others require constant medication to reduce their impact. Detection is crucial in any case, and an effective treatment plan will reduce the disease's long-term effects and promote a long and healthy life.